Token in C Language| Types of Token in C Language
Token in C Language| Types of Token in C Language
What is a Token In C language?
Token is the smallest unit in a program. It is related to each and every words and character of C program. So, compiler spilt the program in smallest possible unit, compile the every stage of program.
There are 5 types of Token:
- Keywords
- Operators
- String
- Constants
- Identifier
- Special Character.
What is a Keywords in C language?
Keywords are parts of syntax of C language which are reserved and predefined words used in C programming syntax that give special instructions to the compiler to perform defined function. it means that, meaning keywords have already defined in C compiler. there are 32 reserved keyword in C. examples are given below...
32 Keywords of C language
S.No | Keywords | Keyword Types | Description |
1. | int | Data types | It is related to the integer type of data. |
2. | char | Data types | It is related to the character type of data. |
3. | double | Data types | It is related to the decimal number with double-precision. |
4. | float | Data types | It is also related to the decimal number, but with single-precision. |
5. | short | Qualifiers | It is related to the fairly small integer types of data. |
6. | long | Qualifiers | It is related to the fairly large integer types of data. |
7. | signed | Qualifiers | It is related to the positive and negative integer types of data. |
8. | unsigned | Qualifiers | It is related to the only positive integer types of data. |
9. | typedef | User-defined | It is used to define a new name for an existing data types. |
10. | enum | User-defined | It gives an opportunity to user-intent data type and define which types of data can take in variables. |
11. | for | Loop | It is used when a block of code is executed fixed number of times. |
12. | do | Loop | It is used when a block of code to be executed a least once or repeatedly. |
13. | while | Loop | It is used when a block of code is to executed a variable number of times. |
14. | if | Decision | It is related to 'Boolean Expression' if statement is 'true' the block of code inside 'if' statement is executed. |
15. | else | Decision | It is also related to 'Boolean Expression' if statement is 'False' the block of code inside 'else' statement is executed. |
16. | switch | Decision | It is related to type of selection control mechanism which is used to allow the expression to change the control flow of the program execution. |
17. | case | Decision | it is part of switch and it is related to selection mechanism which is used to allow specific expression to control flow of program execution. |
18. | default | Decision | It is executed when no case expression value is match to value of expression. |
19. | continue | Jump | It is related to control the nearest enclosing loop. |
20. | break | Jump | It is related to terminate the nearest loop. |
21. | goto | Jump | It is related to jump or transfer from loop or statements to another statement. |
22. | void | Function | It is pointer declaration and indicate that the function does not return value. |
23. | return | Function | It is related to the control the calling function,. |
24. | struct | Derived | It is related to the composite data type which declare the physically grouped list of variable under one name in a block of memory. |
25. | union | Derived | It is related to User-defined data types. It collects variable of different data types in the same memory location. |
26. | auto | Storage classes | It is related to storage class and used to declare a local variable. |
27. | register | Storage classes | It indicate the compiler to use register as a memory for a variable instead of RAM. |
28. | static | Storage classes | It is related to restrains visibility of function and multiple function call. |
29. | extern | Storage classes | It is use to declare a global variable without any memory assigned to it. |
30. | const | Other | It is never change value during execution once defined. |
31. | volatile | Other | It is a qualifier that declare a variable in source code. |
32. | sizeof | Other | it is generate storage size of data types or an expression. |
Some Important Point Of Keywords in C Language:
- C language is case sensitive language, all keywords must be written in lower case.
- There are 32 keywords in C language.
- Keywords are reserved and predefined words and their meaning cannot be changed.
- Keywords cannot be used as user-intent or User-defined variable.
- Keywords are basics building block of programming syntax.
What is an Operators in C language?
In C language, Operator is a special type of symbol that tells the compiler or interpreter to perform specific mathematical and logical operations. C language is enrich in set of operators.
There are mainly 5 types of operators in C languages:
- Arithmetic Operators
- Relational Operators
- Logical Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Assignment Operator
Some Other operator in C Language:
- Sizeof Operator
- Comma Operator
- Conditional Operator
What is a String in C language?
String is a sequence/array of characters or literals which is terminated or followed by null character ('/0' ) and set of character surrounded by double quotation marks.
For example-- char c[ ] = "C string".
What is a Constant in C language?
A constant is a fixed value or literal that can't be changed during the program execution. It is fundamental and essential parts of basic data types in C program.
Types of C Constant:
- Decimal Constant
- Real or Floating point Constant
- Octal Constant
- Hexadecimal Constant
- Character Constant
- String Constant
What is a Variables in C language?
Variable is a value location memory or data storage area, which is used to store to set of expression data and each variable has specific types, which determine the size and layout of variable. It's value can be changed before execution and it can be reused many time and easily identify.
There are 5 types of variables.
- local variable
- global variable
- static variable
- automatic variable
- external variable
Important Point:
- A variable have alphabets, digits and underscore. But it starts with alphabet and underscore.
- No whitespace is allowed within variable name.
- Variable is not work as reserved words.
What is an Identifier in C language?
An identifier is a combinations of alphanumeric characters that begins with either an alphabets characters or an underscore and remaining end alphabets character, numeric and underscore which represent the various elements like: function, array, structure, labels, etc.
Some Important Point:
- At least first character of identifier is an alphabet or an underscore and followed by digits, characters and underscores. Because, it's first character does not begin with number.
- Identifier does not specified the Commas and whitespace.
- Keywords do not represent as an Identifier.
- An Identifiers are case sensitive (upper case and lower case). There are 52 alphabets characters(upper case and lower case), 10 numeric (0-9 numbers).
- The length of an Identifier can not more than 31 characters. If length of an Identifier is short and meaningful, easy to point bug or error for programmer.
What is special character in C language?
Special character are sequence of special symbols. C language is enrich in special character.
For example-- # * $ %....
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