Ugly to Awesome – 3 Great Office Tools


Ugly to Awesome – 3 Great Office Tools

transforming with themes


The answer is before our eyes

I will let you in on a little secret that not many people are aware of or have forgotten about. Microsoft Office 2010 and 2013 has some great design features and effects that are often overlooked. If we harness the power in these features we will achieve outcomes that we may not have thought possible. When you have created your document it can easily be changed to suit a new project. I do this all of the time and it save me hours of time.

The Answer is:


themes wordart and picture tools

A real world example

One of my roles in my employment is to design the posters for raffles and events throughout the year. This week it was the Christmas raffle. It was so easy, I just downloaded the completed file from my website and made a few changes and here is the end result.

transform existing files

Ask yourself this question

If someone viewed my work for two seconds and then had to describe what message it transmitted to them, what would they say?  This applies to any file. Your posters, brochures, business card and even your Excel application interface.

First Impressions

Test this approach on your family. I stand up walk back from the computer and test this concept. Sometimes I print out multiple versions of the same document and put them on the wall and ask for feedback.

3 tools for success


I have only illustrated the themes  options here but just look at the great array of features available. Don't let them go to waste.

easy as just a click

This is a PowerPoint file however the principles apply across the Office suite.

Download this free sample file


Free template to download here

Download the file above with all slides


The 4 articles below demonstrate the awesome power of


If you are not using them, why not add them to you bag of tricks


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